Bruker Topspin Student License

  1. NMR TopSpin License Processing for Academia In order to provide students, researchers and teachers with unlimited access to the best tools for off-line NMR processing, Bruker is making their market leading NMR processing software TopSpin available free of charge for all academic users.
  2. TopSpin is a data analysis application. About Bruker’s TopSpin software package is for nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) data analysis and the acquisition and processing of NMR spectra.
Sep 8th, 2016
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  1. TopSpin 3.5 pl 3 - Copyright (C) 2015 Bruker BioSpin GmbH
  2. Installation directory: 'C:/Bruker/TopSpin3.5pl3'
  3. Cannot checkout TopSpin FLEXlm license
  4. Feature: TOPSPIN3_STUDENT
  5. License path: c:/flexlm/Bruker/licenses/license.dat
  6. For further information, refer to the FLEXlm End User Manual,
  7. The FLEXlm host IDs of this machine are 'f4b7e28e1872 f4b7e28e1871 1803733bba26
  8. you may run the program without license.
  9. This requires the acquisition server to be ready.
  10. checking connection to spectrometer (may last a minute)
RAW Paste Data


Topspin processing licenses are also available from Bruker for no cost to academic users. The CIF contracts with IT Services for space on its networked attached storage drive. After logging out of a spectrometer, any data you acquired will be uploaded to the networked storage, also called the CIF Research Data Cloud. NMR TopSpin License Processing for Academia In order to provide students, researchers and teachers with unlimited access to the best tools for off-line NMR processing, Bruker is making their market leading NMR processing software TopSpin available free of charge for all academic users. HFCN600 NMR: This Bruker NEO 600 MHz NMR spectrometer equipped with quadrupole resonance (QCI-F) CryoProbe is designed for bio-macromolecular and very low concentration 19F samples. It is intended for long term data collection and has the best 1H (S/N=5300:1) and 19F (S/N=7000:1) sensitivity.

Dear users, due to the fact that we have yet to develop a safe way for both student and staff to be able to do training given the violation of social distancing involved, we will be postponing all training requests through March. We will revisit this decision in the coming weeks and advise accordingly. At the meantime, if you have specific needs such as urgent samples, please email for discussing potential options

Before NMR Training

Follow the instructions at: about getting started to create accounts and obtain access to the labs. How to establish your group affiliation for remote data access is at the end of the video.

Sean Schools is Premiere Bro, the Premiere Pro User Blog and Fansite, dedicated to enriching the Premiere Pro editing experience and user community. Sean is a Full Sail University alum and the award-winning video editor for JK Design, a New Jersey advertising agency. In the Project panel in Premiere Pro, select one or more clips containing audio. Choose Clip › Audio Options › Extract Audio. Premiere Pro generates new audio files containing the extracted audio and even adds “Extracted” to the end of the filenames. ● Separate the audio from video and export it. Premiere pro extract audio.

Step 1: Get certified

Before undergoing training, every user must complete a certification test to demonstrate their knowledge of NMR operation and IMSERC policies. We provide a study guide called 'NMR Basics' to help you pass this test. BEFORE coming to your first training session, please download the NMR Basics manual and complete the online quiz at: NMRQuiz/multiscreen.html . Once you pass the quiz, you will receive email confirmation which tells you where/when the regular training sessions are. Then you can let IMSERC staff member know if you are coming to a regular training session or need arrange a different time due to schedule conflict.

Step 2: NMR Training

Liquid NMR The regular Bruker liquid NMR training session (for access to Ag500, X500, Au400, and A600) is held on Wednesday from 11:00AM to 12:00PM in the room BG75 of TECH. It covers both automation and manual operations. All other trainings (Solids, BioNMR, DOSY, and VT etc) are offered upon request.

Read Bruker training manual before you come. Please email to confirm your attendance. Please bring your completed certification test, and come dressed appropriately for the lab (glasses or safety glasses, etc.). After training session and checking your written test, you will be authorized using Ag500, X500, Au400, A600, and HFCN600 upon request without further training. If your schedule doesn’t fit our regular training time, you may talk to NMR staff to arrange a special session for you.

Step 3: Advanced Training (upon request)

I. VT operation: Once you’ve been authorized to use the NMR systems, you may wish to conduct NMR experiments with different sample temperatures. IMSERC staff is the ONLY personnel who may train you how to regulate sample temperature – NO LABMATES! To apply, simply reserve your experiment time and coordinate with Yuyang or Yongbo to make sure he is available when you start. This should take only ~15 minutes.


II. DOSY: Driverpack solution download for pc. You can run DOSY experiments on A600, Au400, and HFCN600. The training is available on request. Some manuals are available: A short introduction of DOSY , the instruction manuals for Topspin .

III. Solids NMR: IMSERC’s 400 MHz Bruker HD Solids NMR spectrometer (Hg400) is powerful and very popular with researchers who work on samples for which dissolution would not be appropriate or possible. It can run many hetero-nuclei, such as C13, Al27, Si29, P31, Sn119, etc. Dr. Yuyang Wu provides training as needed. Please apply for Solids NMR training in NUCore and contact Dr. Wu for availability

IV. HFCN600 NMR: This Bruker NEO 600 MHz NMR spectrometer equipped with quadrupole resonance (QCI-F) CryoProbe is designed for bio-macromolecular and very low concentration 19F samples. It is intended for long term data collection and has the best 1H (S/N=5300:1) and 19F (S/N=7000:1) sensitivity. Please apply for this NMR in NUCore and contact Dr. Yongbo Zhang for training.

Bruker Topspin Nmr

V. Data processing and analysis with Mnova: You can download Mnova from Mestralab . NU has site license available from the “public” share at IMSERC file server. Use data access instructions to map this share. Ms 7297. Following are a training manual for Mnova and a shorter version .

Bruker Topspin Software

Further Training

We take requests!